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This class combines an interdisciplinary approach to laboratory science and research with agricultural management principles. Using skills and principles learned in the course, students design systems and experiments to solve agricultural management issues currently facing the industry. Students will connect the products created in this class with industry activities to link real world encounters and implement skills demanded by both colleges and careers. The course culminates with an agri-science experimental research project. Students design and conduct an experiment to solve a relevant issue. Final projects will be eligible for Career Development Event competition at FFA events. Throughout the course, students will gain experience through leadership development, Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) projects and career exploration in the area of agriculture. 
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
-By the end of the instructional year, students will understand the following core concepts:
  • The role of agriculture in the California economy
  • Interrelationship between agriculture and the environment
  • The effects of technology on agriculture
  • The importance of animals, the domestication of animals, and the role of animals in modern society
  • Cell structure and function of plants and animals
  • Fundamental animal nutrition and feeding
  • Basic animal health
  • Plant growth and development
  • The scientific method & Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
Students will learn how to maintain a safe and healthful working environment.
Students will manage, and actively engage in, a career-related, supervised agricultural experience.
Students will understand the importance of maintaining and completing the California Agricultural Record Book (AET).
Course Syllabus                     Chloe Smith                                     530.273.4431

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Grade Levels: 10 - 12

2 Semesters - Repetition for Credit: None
Credits: Physical or Life Science

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Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1 or Algebra C/D