Agricultural Biology is a one year, laboratory science course designed for the college-bound student with career interests in agriculture. Using agriculture as the learning vehicle, this course emphasizes the principles, central concepts, and interrelationships among the following topics: the molecular and cellular aspects of life, the life functions and interrelationships of plants and animals, focusing on growth and reproduction, genetics, animal behavior, animal and plant taxonomy, nutrition, health and disease and the ecological relationships among plants, animals and humans. Students will be involved in “hands-on” agriculture activities and projects.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
By the end of the instructional year, students will understand the following core biological concepts:
The structure and function of organisms at a cellular level
How organisms grow and develop
The organization for matter and the energy flow in an organism
Interdependent relationships in an ecosystem
Energy transfer in an ecosystem
Ecosystem functioning, dynamics and resilience
Biodiversity in an ecosystem
Inheritance of traits
Variation in traits
Evolutionary concepts of Natural Selection and adaption
Claim-evidence-reasoning (CER’s)
Students will learn how to maintain a safe and healthful working environment. Students will manage, and actively engage in, a career-related, supervised agricultural experience. Students will understand the importance of maintaining and completing the California Agricultural Record Book.