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Skills & Safety for Natural Resource Careers 1

This course teaches students skills that are required for success in outdoor natural resource management careers such as forest, wildlife, power, water, land, soil, range management as well as outdoor recreation and overlaps some skill sets required for firefighting and law enforcement. The training will cover preparedness for daily outdoor work, navigation/ map reading, long range communication, first aid and emergency preparedness, vehicle preparation and maintenance and safe operation.
  • At the end of this course, students can :
  • Students can identify one Natural Resource Career and explain one training pathway to get there.
  • Students can identify five government agencies and five private businesses that are natural resource based.
  • Students can identify five behaviors that are common among responsible employees and five behaviors that are common among irresponsible employees.
  • Students can plan for nutrition needs for daily work in NR.
  • Students identify hydration needs for different NR work Scenarios
  • Students can select proper clothing for daily work in NR
  • Students can select clothing for extreme days in NR
  • OSHA PPE Requirements for a selected Career
  • Students will know basic first aid.
  • Students will know how to use an AED and properly administer CPR.
  • Students can communicate effectively during an emergency.
  • Students can assemble an effective first aid kit.
  • Students demonstrate an understanding of weather forecasting and weather related terminology.
  • Students understand the biological response to exposure to extreme weather conditions.
  • Students can identify methods of prevention of emergency exposure situations.
  • Students know how to respond to an extreme exposure and give first aid.
  • Students understand a topographic map.
  • Students understand GIS mapping and can use GPS devices.
  • Route replanning activity.
  • Students know how to install snow chains.
  • Students can predict cell coverage based on coverage maps.
  • Students can communicate professionally on a radio.l
  • Students know about other communication ie- flag signals, morse code etc
  • Students can assess a situation and react in a manner that de-escalates and addresses safety concerns and disgruntled public.
  • Students can assess a situation and react in a manner that de-escalates and addresses safety concerns related to animals.
  • Students can identify the components of the fire triangle and how to reduce risk using the fire triangle.
  • Students understand basic fire behavior.
  • Students know how to use a fire extinguisher.
  • Students can demonstrate proper mechanical fire extinguishing procedures.
  • Students can select proper PPE for fire risk situations.
  • Students can find and prepare food, water and shelter.
  • Students can outline a leave no trace plan of best practices for work in a wilderness area.
  • Students can haul a load without wheels.
  • Students can pack and carry a weighted backpack.
Course Syllabus                Katie Alling                              530.273.4431

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Grade Levels: 10 - 12

2 Semesters - Repetition for Credit: None

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Prior or current enrollment in other Agriculture / Natural Resources Pathway Courses or by instructor permission.