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Publication Design 2

This course is a capstone option in the pathway. Students will have successfully completed prerequisites in design, photography, or publications/media production. This leads to a year of serving in a leadership role in production teams for student media as well as studying college and career options in a setting similar to an internship. Options will range from serving as the design editor in WED teams (Writer-Editor-Designer) as the chief design organizer and planner to serving as editors over larger staffs. Students learn about media production by leading student staffs to production of the school’s publications. The course offers instruction and practice in digital storytelling; copy writing and editing;
proofreading; writing in a variety of journalistic formats; headline writing, design, photo management, and business, including entrepreneurship and social media tools for successful 21st-century media management.

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Grade Levels: 10 - 12

2 Semesters - Repetition for Credit: 3

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Online Multimedia 1 or Publication Design 1