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English 1

This course emphasizes the improvement of writing skills through well developed compositions; effectiveoral communication through discussion and presentations; appreciation of literature through reading, analysis and interpretation; and beginning research skills to gather pertinent materials.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
California State Common Core Standards* (ELOs) tied to these skills are: 
  • Reading RI 9.1
  • Reading RL 9.1
  • Writing W 9.1
  • Writing W 9.2
  • Writing W 9.3
  • Writing W 9.4
  • Speaking and Listening SL 9.1
  • Speaking and Listening SL 9.4
*For a description of these standards, visit the Common Core website.
Skills tied to Essential Learning Outcomes:
This course will focus on mastery of the following skills:
  • Learning to be a strong reader through close, critical reading
  • Learning to communicate through writing that is claim based, evidence backed, and analytical
  • Learning to have academic conversations in a variety of situations both formal and informal
  • Learning to orally present thoughts and ideas 
Course Syllabus

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Grade Levels: 9

2 Semesters - No repetition for Credit

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