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English 2H

English 2H is designed to challenge and enrich the levels of understanding of students identified for their superior level of English skills, critical thought and self-motivation. Students concentrate on development of the essay and detailed analysis of world literature. Students receive an extra grade point for this class. 
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
Districtwide grade 10 ELO’s for English 2 (our “BOULDERS”):
  • Cite textual evidence for explicit details as well as for inferences - Reading RL/RI10.1
  • Write argumentative texts - Writing W10.1
Additional standards that will be addressed in sophomore honors English (our “ROCKS”):
  • Determine a theme/central idea; write objective summaries - Reading RL/RI 10.2
  • Analyze complex characters - Reading RL10.3
  • Analyze word meanings, figurative language, connotations and their effects; analyze nuances of synonyms - Reading RL/RI 10.4, Language L10.5
  • Analyze point of view or cultural experience in world literature - Reading RL10.6
  • Analyze point of view and rhetoric in informational texts - Reading RI 10.6
  • Write informative texts - Writing W10.2 a, b, f
  • Use precise words and phrases … - Writing W10.3.d
  • Strengthen writing through planning, revising, editing - Writing W10.5
  • Conduct short research projects - Writing W10.7
  • Gather evidence from multiple sources, assess credibility, and integrate the information without plagiarizing - Writing W10.8
  • Participate in collaborative discussions: come prepared, propel conversations, respond thoughtfully, summarize points and opinions - Speaking and Listening 10.1
  • Present information, per for audience, task, & purpose - Speaking and Listening 10.4
  • Demonstrate command of conventions of Standard English, parallel structure, use of phrases and clauses - Language L10.1
  • Demonstrate command of capitalization, spelling, punctuation, including semicolons and conjunctive adverbs - Language L10.2
  • Clarify word meanings in multiple ways, consult reference materials, examine word etymologies - Language L10.4
  • Acquire vocabulary - Language L10.6
*For a full description of each standard, visit the common core website; use menu on the right to switch to the different domains, eg: Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, Language.
Course Syllabus        Meegan Toro                                            530.273.4431

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Grade Levels: 10

2 Semesters - No repetition for Credit

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English 1