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Integrated 2 Math Lab

Integrated Math II Support is designed to enhance and improve the math achievement of identified struggling math students and to support students in their concurrent Integrated Math II course. The course will involve the application of problem solving strategies, vocabulary development, pre-teaching, re-teaching and reinforcement of concurrent math class skills.  Individualized math remediation will be provided by instructional staff or through the use of an online math remediation.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
By the end of this course students will be able to:
  • Representations of linear, quadratic, and exponential relationships using graphs, tables, equations, and contexts.
  • Symbolic manipulation of expressions in order to solve problems, such as factoring, distributing, multiplying polynomials, expanding exponential expressions, etc.
  • Analysis of the slope of a line multiple ways, including graphically, numerically, contextually (as a rate of change), and algebraically.
  • Solving equations and inequalities using a variety of strategies, including rewriting (such as factoring, distributing, or completing the square), undoing (such as extracting the square root or subtracting a term from both sides of an equation), and looking inside (such as
    determining the possible values of the argument of an absolute value expression).
  • Solving systems of two equations and inequalities with two variables using a variety of strategies, both graphically and algebraically.
  • Use of rigid transformations (reflection, rotation, translation) and symmetry to demonstrate congruence and develop triangle congruence theorems.
  • Using coordinates to prove geometric theorems.
  • Geometric constructions (with compass and straightedge).
  • Simple geometric proofs (investigate patterns to make conjectures, and formally prove them).
  • Representations of arithmetic and geometric sequences, including using tables, graphs, and explicit or recursive formulas.
  • Use of exponential models to solve problems, and to compare to linear models.
  • Use of function notation.
  • Statistical analysis of two-variable data, including determining regression lines, correlation coe cients, and creating residual plots.
    The diferences between association and causation, and interpretation of correlation in context.
  • Comparison of distributions of one-variable data.
Course Syllabus
  • Michael Dow                                                                     530.273.4431

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Grade Levels: 10 - 12

2 Semesters - No repetition for Credit

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Algebra 1/Integrated Math 1 or teacher recommendation.