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Intermediate Leadership

Intermediate Leadership combines high-level critical thinking, writing, and analytical skills with mentorship and entrepreneurial project experiences and implementation. Students will participate in research and evaluation, project planning and execution, as well as leadership and critical thinking-based activities in order to further develop these key skills in tandem with mentorship and counseling of fellow students. Students will learn vital theoretical lessons in the areas of interpersonal communications, diversity and inclusion, marketing, advertising, and pedagogy. Findings from these experiences will lead students to become empathic and responsible citizens who can apply their knowledge to
larger-scale future projects as their ages, resources, and scopes increase. Students will be taught best practices in
business development involving budgeting, marketing, target audience research, reporting, and pitching ideas for their leadership projects; subsequently, students will implement these concepts as they craft and execute their events, projects, and presentations. This class will require students to synthesize information obtained in core classes as well as work both individually and collaboratively.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
Students will become leaters, motivators, role models, teachers, and mentors through these essential learning outcome skills:
  • Communication
    • Written
    • Interviewing Skills
    • Public Speaking
    • Crowd Management
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Evaluation & Feedback
    • Interpersonal Skills
  • Personal and Social Development
    • Group Dynamics
    • Goal Setting, Feedback, and Evaluation
    • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Civic and Service Learning
    • Civic and Community Engagement
    • Service Learning Strategies
    • Community Service
  • Government
    • Authority and Governance
    • Procedures
    • Elections and Appointments
    • Effective Meetings
  • Business and Finance
    • Finance / Accounting
    • Fundraising
    • Marketing
    • Advertising
    • Customer Service
    • Business Law
  • Technology and Digital Citizenship
    • Digital Workspace and Collaboration
    • Digital Citizenship
    • Audio / Visual Presentation
    • Video and Photography
Course Syllabus              Pete Totoonchie                                       530.273.4431

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Grade Levels: 10 - 12

2 Semesters - Repetition for Credit: 2

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Leadership class, Link Leader training or teacher permission