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Student Leadership

Leadership is a class for students who are devoted to improving themselves, their school, and the role they play in creating culture in their community. Participants will be trained in team building, cooperative skill development, project planning and management, communication and discussion skills. 
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
Students will become leaters, motivators, role models, teachers, and mentors through these essential learning outcome skills:
  • Communication
    • Written
    • Public Speaking
    • Crowd Management
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Evaluation & Feedback
    • Interpersonal Skills
  • Personal and Social Development
    • Group Dynamics
    • Goal Setting, Feedback, and Evaluation
    • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Civic and Service Learning
    • Civic and Community Engagement
    • Community Service
  • Government
    • Authority and Governance
    • Effective Meetings
  • Business and Finance
    • Advertising
  • Technology and Digital Citizenship
    • Digital Workspace and Collaboration
    • Digital Citizenship
    • Audio / Visual Presentation
    • Video and Photography
Course Syllabus              Pete Totoonchie                                       530.273.4431

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Grade Levels: 9 - 12

2 Semesters - Repetition for Credit: 1

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Teacher Approval