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Practical English 1

Practical English 1 is your 9th-grade English class created to help you further develop your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, as outlined below in the Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs). This is the first of four years of English classes you’ll take before you graduate high school and enter the workplace, a trade school, or a college. Whatever you choose to do after you graduate high school, the more developed your reading, writing, critical thinking, and speaking/listening skills are, the more independent you will be in the future. Let’s make this class a worthwhile and FUN learning experience!
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
Practical English 1 is aligned with carefully chosen California State Standards for English/Language Arts
( by the Nevada Union English Department. The following standards are explored and each student has adequate exposure to them to support individual mastery:
  • Cite text evidence, for explicit meaning & inferences. 
  • Read proficiently at the high end of the text complexity band. 
    Determine heme/central idea, and how it develops; write an objective summary.. analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop throughout a text. 
  • Determine/clarify meanings of unknown words.
  • Initiate & participate in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners. build on others’ ideas; expressing self clearly & persuasively 
  • Present info clearly, logically; with eye contact, volume, enunciation; appropriate for the audience, task & purpose.
  • Write arguments to support claims, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. 
Course Syllabus:         Elieen Kamba                                                                  530.273.4431

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Grade Levels: 10

2 Semesters - Repetition for Credit: None

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Completion of Practical English 1