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Practical English 2

Practical English 2 is your 10th grade English class created to help you further develop your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. This is the second of four years of English classes you’ll have before you graduate and enter the  workplace, a trade school, or college. Whatever you choose to do after you graduate high school, the more developed your reading, writing, critical thinking, and communication skills are, the more independent you will be in the future. I promise we will also have some FUN in here.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
Practical English 2 is aligned with carefully chosen California State Standards for English/Language Arts ( by the Nevada Union English Department. The following standards are explored and each student has adequate exposure to them in an effort to support individual mastery.
  • Produce clear and coherent writing, including being able to write a solid academic paragraph.
  • Cite textual evidence to back up a claim or to support an inference.
  • Strengthen reading skills and engagement with reading. Analyze how characters develop over the course of a text, how they interact with other characters, and how they advance the plot or a theme.
  • Analyze a particular point of view and/or cultural experience in a work of literature.
  • Determine word meaning (literal and figurative) and analyze the effect of  word choice.
  • Participate in a variety of discussions: partner, small group, whole class (build on each other’s ideas, stay on topic, and express yourself clearly).
  • Present information clearly (eye contact, volume, professional body language).
Course Syllabus:         Trisha Zakon                                                                    530.273.4431 x2075

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Grade Levels: 10

2 Semesters - Repetition for Credit: None

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Completion of Practical English 1