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Supported Studies

Supported Studies provides students time to work on assignments and projects from their other classes, individually, in groups, or with assistance. Students will get to know themselves as learners (strengths, weaknesses, helpful accommodations) and develop their self-advocacy, communication, and student skills. Students will have opportunities for transition-related work, i.e. college and career readiness. Supported Studies also gives students the opportunity
to achieve goals and objectives detailed in their Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and develop skills in identified areas of need.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
  • To be able to effectively self-advocate.
  • To understand yourself as a learner and understand your IEP (strengths,challenges, accommodations).
  • To improve your organization, time management, and study skills and createeffective habits that work for you.
  • To effectively use individual work time to get support, improve your understanding of course material and assignments in other classes, and strengthen your academic skills.
  • To prepare for the transition to life after high school (college, a job etc.).
Course Syllabus:         Trisha Zakon                                                                    530.273.4431 x2075

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Grade Levels: 9 - 12

2 Semesters - Repeat for Credit: 3

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