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Our mission in Special Education is to provide each student with an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. We believe in high-quality, evidence-based instruction and services for all students. We believe that all students can learn and succeed. 
Special Education programs are designed to provide an environment or assistance to students with diagnosed disabilities. Some of the disabilities which can be accommodated through special education services are learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, visual and hearing impairments, physical disabilities, and emotional disorders.
The general goal is to help students acquire the skills necessary to be successful in school, employment and the community. Eligible students participate in the mainstream education program to the maximum extent possible, with special education classes and supports provided, as necessary for success. Traditional and special education teachers work together to achieve this goal for students. Various models of collaboration are used to support individuals in traditional education classes. Eligible students may enroll in special education classes to receive direct instruction in core academic areas and / or to receive support for regular educaiton classes. Requests to determine eligilibity for special education services should be made to your student's counselor.

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Special Education Department Teachers


Staff Image

Trisha Zakon

Special Education Mild/Mod Department Chair
Teacher  |  Special Education
Learning Center Resource Teacher

Course offerings

Tracy Donadio 23

Tracy Donadio

Teacher  |  Special Education
Learning Center Resource Teacher
Lisa Drageset 23

Lisa Drageset

Teacher  |  Special Education
Learning Center Resource Teacher
Faith Lohuis

Faith Lohuis

Special Education Mod/Sev Department Chair
Teacher  |  Special Education
  • Community Living
  • Functional Math
  • Functional Reading
  • Independent Living Skills

Brandon Handy

Teacher  |  Special Education
  • Community Living
  • Functional Math
  • Functional Reading
  • Independent Living Skills
Sandra Helmuth

Sandra Helmuth

Teacher  |  Special Education
Learning Center Resource Teacher
Cheryl Hendrickson 23

Cheryl Hendrickson

Teacher  |  Special Education
Elizabeth (Beth) Huseby)
Teacher  |  Special Education
  • Community Living
  • Functional Math
  • Functional Reading
  • Independent Living Skills
Eileen Kamba 23

Eileen Kamba

Teacher  |  Special Education
Learning Center Resource Teacher
Karla Miller 23

Karla Miller

Teacher  |  Special Education
Learning Center Resource Teacher
Michelle Sanders Lewis 23

Michelle Sanders Lewis

Teacher  |  Special Education
Learning Center Resource Teacher
Amy Van Voorst 23

Amy Van Voorst

Teacher  |  Special Education

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NU Step Teachers

Peter Baldo

Pete Baldo 23

Lotty Hellested

Lotty Hellested 23

Sharon Tong

Sharon Tong 23

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NU Step Program

NUSTEP students work to master skills that they will need as adults to participate more fully in their community- either independently or with their families.  A NUSTEP student has an Individual Education Program (IEP) goals that relate directly to activities the adult student will be doing when he/she leaves NUSTEP.  Instruction takes place in the classroom and / or in the community in accordance with each individual student’s needs.  Students must demonstrate necessary prerequisite skills in the classroom before instruction in the community takes place.

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District Staff

Tim Reid, Director of Pupil Services


Kate Peterson, District Secretary

530.273.4431 x2031 (email)
530.274.1483 Fax

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Site Staff

Kelli Lyn Anglim, IEP Coordinator

530.273.4431 x2056 (email)