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AP 2-D Art and Design Studio

AP 2-D Art and Design corresponds to college and university foundations courses. Students create a portfolio of work to demonstrate inquiry through art and design and development of materials, processes, and ideas over the course of a year. Portfolios include works of art and design, process documentation, and written information about the work presented. In May, students submit portfolios for evaluation based on specific criteria, which include skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas and sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision, guided by questions. Students may choose to submit any or all of the AP Portfolio Exams. 
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
ELOs covered in this course will focus on mastery of the following skills:
  • Generate possibilities for investigation.
  • Describe how inquiry guides investigation through art and design.
  • Describe how materials, processes, and ideas in art and design relate to context.
  • Interpret works of art and design based on materials, processes, and ideas used.
  • Investigate materials, processes, and ideas.
  • Formulate questions or areas of inquiry that guide a sustained investigation through art and design.
  • Conduct a sustained investigation through art and design that demonstrates practice, experimentation, and revision guided by questions or inquiry.
  • Make works of art and design that demonstrate synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.
  • Make works of art and design that demonstrate 2-D, 3-D, or drawing skills.
  • Identify, in writing, questions or inquiry that guided a sustained investigation through art and design.
  • Describe, in writing, how a sustained investigation through art and design shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by questions or inquiry.
  • Identify, in writing, materials, processes, and ideas used to make works of art and design.
  • Describe how works of art and design demonstrate synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.
  • Describe how works of art and design demonstrate 2-D, 3-D, or drawing skills.
  • Present works of art and design for viewer interpretation.
The Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Line - Shape - Form  - Value - Space - Color - Texture - Rhythm - Balance -
Emphasis(contrast) - Proportion - Gradation - Harmony - Variety - Movement  
Course Syllabus:

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Grade Levels: 11-12

2 Semesters - No repetition for Credit

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Art 3 (Advanced Drawing and Painting C)