This course stresses an integration of academic knowledge and practical learning through the making and viewing of photographs. The major objective will be to probe the “miraculous ritual” of photographic processes. Through demonstrations and hands-on projects students will learn the fundamentals of digital and darkroom photography, the elements and principles of photographic design and receive an introduction to aesthetics and digital media.
Note: Student cameras recommended, not required. The school has cameras to borrow.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
ELOs covered in this course will focus on mastery of the following skills:
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
Refine and complete artistic work
Select, analyze, and interpret work for presentation
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work
Perceive and analyze artistic work
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding
The Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Line - Shape - Form - Value - Space - Color - Texture - Rhythm - Balance -