Content Covered and Essential ELOs |
Previews some topics covered throughout the year:
I am becoming comfortable with the sounds of Spanish and can recognize and use some basic Spanish words and structures *not an official course ELO |
ELO 1 (Senderos 1, L1): I can greet others, introduce myself and say goodbye
ELO 2 (Senderos 1, L1): I can identify and describe people and things, and tell where someone is from
ELO 3 (Senderos 1, L1): I can use numbers
ELO 4 (Senderos 1, L2):
I can talk about school ELO 5 (Senderos 1, L2):
I can talk about daily activities and preferences ELO 6 (Senderos 1, L2):
I can tell where things are located |
Grammatical and Lexical Structures Covered | Introduce:
ELO 7 I can talk about family
ELO 8 I can discuss pastimes, sports and places in the city
ELO 9: I can discuss travel and vacation
ELO 10: I can describe how people feel
ELO 11: I can talk about clothing and shopping
ELO 12: I can exchange information about activities that took place in the past
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