Spanish 3H offers an intensive, fast-paced course for the high-achieving student. The University of California recognizes this as an honors class and adds an extra point in computing one’s G.P.A. A special emphasis is placed on the development of speaking, reading and writing through oral presentations, reading of authentic materials and writing of compositions in the target language.
Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs):
Students will be able to:
understand spoken and written texts at the intermediate level
communicate likes, dislikes, feelings and opinions
participate in real-world conversations
communicate in writing
*discuss nature and environmental problems (Lección 1)
*discuss city living, errands, ask and give directions (Lección 2)
*discuss health habits for nutrition and physical activity (Lección 3)
*discuss jobs, job interviews and plans for their future (Lección 4)
*I can talk about art and describe an artistic event (Lección 5)
*discuss political and social issues (Lección 6)
use the imperative mood to influence others
express emotions, desires, requests, doubt and subjective actions or states using the present subjunctive
compare and contrast one’s own culture with various Spanish-speaking cultures