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Practice/Competition Protocols At Nevada Union

We are attempting to provide opportunities for participation in Athletics during a pandemic that has infected millions of Americans and killed hundreds of thousands.
We have a moral, ethical, and legal obligation to protect the health and safety of our students. We must comply with the regulations and modifications laid forth by CDC and CDPH guidelines for public schools. The following are our simple, straight-forward protocols to follow throughout your season. 
  • If you are exhibiting Covid symptoms (see the image below for details) DO NOT show up to campus. Contact your Coach and let them know you are exhibiting symptoms and follow the NU Athletics Covid Protocols (below)
  • Masks are required and non-negotiable for indoor spaces - there are times at practice you won't wear them, but those times are only during periods of "high levels of cardiovascular activity." Once the period is passed, the masks go back on. 
  • Physical Distancing of 6 feet as much as possible - unless engaged in drills that require less space
  • Constant and consistent hand washing or sanitizing before, during, and after practice/competition

card header icon2021-2022 NU Athletics Covid Protocols

card header iconJanuary 18, 2022 NCPH Updated Guidance on Testing, Isolation, and Quaranties

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NJUHSD Home Test Validation Form

With individual home Covid tests supplies increasing, a number of families are utilizing this important resource to identify a student's Cvid status.
If a student obtains a positive with a home test, please do the following:
  1. Take a picture of the positive test
  2. Fill out the NJUHSD Home Test Validation Form - form accesible below this information
  3. Email the image and the filled out Form to Please copy the Head Coach of your program on the email. 

card header iconFrom the CDC - How to Avoid COVID-19