card header iconNU Athletics Calendar

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2024-2025 Individual Sport Schedules

Fall 2024
Winter 2024-2025
Spring 2025
Baseball - Var/JV; Frosh
*As schedules become available they will be linked in the table above
*Schedules are subject to change 

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GoFan Virtual Tickets

In order to make your experience convenient, we are offering two payment methods for our ticketed events: cash sales on site and GoFan Virtual Tickets. GoFan virtual tickets can be purchased in advance or at the gate. 
Disclaimer: There is a per ticket fee charged to the GoFan ticket purchaser. 
For information on the ticket purchasing and redemption processes, please visit the GoFan Fan Support page
Apple Device users: For greater ease, search for the GoFan app in the Apple App store to expedite the ticket redemption experience. GoFan does not currently have an app for Android devices.

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Miners on the NFHS Network

Miners on the NFHS Network

card header iconCIF Sac-Joaquin Section 2024-2025 Sports Calendar

card header iconNU Academic Calendar 2024-2025

card header iconParent Driver Forms