Steve Hansen and Marlene Maurin run the RAYS program.
What are restorative practices?
The science of relationship and community
Building and sustaining relationships
Restoring relationships when things go wrong
What is RAYS?
Restorative Accountable Youth Solutions, an alternative program to suspension
Nevada Union High School runs an alternative to suspension program called RAYS. It aims to reduce both school suspensions and student substance use and is based in restorative practices. The program is evaluated by a team of researchers from UC San Diego. UC San Diego anonymously surveys students at a given time each year in order to gather data around student substance use and knowledge. As part of the evaluation of the RAYS program, the MYHB survey seeks to better understand:
Student use of substances
Youth attitudes and exposure to these products
Perceptions of harm associated with substance use
If you do not want your student to participate, please complete a consent form and have your student return it to their Advisory teacher on February 12, 2025.